Quote of the day.

Quote of the day :

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Top things I wish I can change about myself

  • Be more positive
  • not to compare myself to others
  • not taking people for granted
  • not let things get to me
  • let go of him
  • let go of him
  • let go of him
  • let go of him
  • tell him.
  • and.. mostly. the fact that i fall to hard easily.

Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm the kind of girl who feels ugly without makeup,
and when she has a bad hair day, her whole day is
bad, who is a lot more self conscious then you would
think. The type of girl who hates her own voice and
thinks she's really annoying. The girl who has a huge
heart, but gets used a lot. The girl who always wants
to have real friends, but always seems to choose bad
ones. The kind of girl who just wants to be loved by
you and accepted unconditionally.

sometimes it's tough being a girl. if you hate a
pretty girl, people will think you're jealous. if
you like an older guy, people will call you a slut.
whenever you get into an argument with your
best friend, no one will care and say, "oh, you'll
be friends tomorrow." and when you fall for
the right person, everyone else thinks he's
wrong for you.

her eyes scream with the pain you caused her,
all the lies you made her believe, all the hurt you caused her.
& still to this day she loves you like nothing ever happened.

She's strong enough to walk
away, but broken enough to look back.

Day14: the person who caused you the most pain

Hm... pain for more than years..
no happiness since years..
wet pillows..
the person..
who makes me the happiest person on earth.
causes me the most pain.
every word you say counts.
every action you do counts.
please stop.
im dying.
im still alive.
but im barely breathing.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Have you ever felt like you just want to die. and just fucking rot. i cant stop fucking crying.
the one thing..that matters to you most. gone.. is absolutely painful.
there are no words to explain.
. dhfsdioh..
icant speak.
do anything.
i dont feel like talking to anyone.
basically. just.
basically. yea.
lifes a dick.
and lifes a bitch.
just wantr to.........
i. just.
do this anymore.
i dont deserve half the shit.
i .
life isnt fair.
i never get to be happy.
in the past 3 years...
i just .