Quote of the day.

Quote of the day :

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


  • Breathing the air in Mumbai, India for just ONE DAY is equivalent to smoking 2.5 packs of cigarettes.
  • Jellyfish evaporate in the sun. They's 98% water.
  • Seth McFarlane, the creator of Family Guy, was suppose to be on the planes of 9/11.
  • The largest number of children born to one woman is recorded at 69. *Damn thats a fucked up vagina . lmao. ( According to the Guiness Book of World Records, from 1725-1765, a Russian peasent woman gave birth 27 times to 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets)
  • The largest erect human penis ever recorded is 13.5 inches long. *DAMNNN. (It belongs to New Yorker Jonah Cardeli Falcon, a bisexual American actor & talk- show host. His willy is 9.5 in flaccid, 13.5 in erect. But the huge penis is not a blessing - " when I meet people they find it hard to look me in the eye, they just see what's in my trousers. It's become a real problem. When I was younger I went out in tight pants and would sleep with a different person every night, but I became burned out disillusioned. My last relationship ended in 1996. Now I just want to find a steady girlfriend who doesn't think I'm a freak show".)
  • If you touch your tounge while yawning, it can stop the yawn. * I wanna tryy :/
  • George Washington grew marijuana in his garden . * YOU GO GEORGE ! . lmao
  • Make a fist with your left hand, squeeze your left thumb, then put your right index finger down your throat. NO GAG REFLEX. * im too scared to try. hahah.

fromm omgfacts .

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