- No matter we try to ignore or deny it, eventually the lies fall away, whether we like it or not. But heres the truth: It hurts, so we lie.
-And at the end of the day, you either focus on what's tearing you apart or what is holding you together.

-If i had a badge for everytime you made me smile.. ooh those girl scouts would be jealous.
-Sitting next to you doing absolutely nothing means everything to me.
-I'm in trouble, I'm an addict. I'm addicted to this boy, he's got my stomach in a knot. But he plays me like a toy. Even worse; I can't stop texting him- he's all I want and more. But damn, he's with the whore.
-Sometimes the hardest part of finally seeing through someone is accepting what you see.

-Because unlike you, I meant every word that came out of my mouth.
- It's amazing how it takes one person to ruin a day and one person to make it absolutely perfect again.
" I like dead end signs. They're kind, they at least have the decency to let you know you're going nowhere."- Bugs Bunny
-Two of the hardest tests in life: the patience to wait for the right moment & the courage to accept that you've waited for nothing.
-So I guess you were one of those people who were supposed to walk into my life, teach me a lesson and then walk away.
- You said you'd love me forever & never forget about us. Pardon my french, but what a load of shit that was.
-Please don't act like you care. You don't and we all know it. You've watched me destroy myself for far too long, if you really cared you'd have tried to stop me long before now.
-Sometimes I wish i had never met you. Because then I could go to sleep at night not knowing there was someone like you out there.
-I'm not even going to get mad anymore. I just got to learn to expect the lowest from people I thought the highest of.
- Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity
She's a summer girl. She likes things simple & she hates drama. She wishes that she could wear flip-flops year round & she hates being cold. She's moody during the winter because things are usually falling apart. But then summer comes, it always does & she realizes that she has true friends, & that nothing can beat those summer days & nights that are spent with the waves crashing & the sand between her toes.
SUMMER 2010!
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