Quote of the day.

Quote of the day :

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.

Friday, October 15, 2010

To my Best Friends.

You guys know who you are.
I love you guys to death.
Through everything, everyday, all the shit
At the end of the day we still have each others back
I know I'm not the best friend you could really ask for.
I'm not perfect. But at least i always try.
I'm not a perfect person, neither is everyone on this Earth.
I'm just thankful you guys are always there for me.
Through all the drama, boys, and some fucked up shit.
I don't think there is a day where I can't talk to you guys.
I just wish I can hang out with you guys more.
And one day... we'll all get along.

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