Quote of the day.

Quote of the day :

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

To my sibling. Day 4.

okay, so I know we definitely do not get along.
I try to be so nice to you.
But you just don't want to do anything to do with me.
I don't know what I did.
To make you not want to touch me.
Talk to me.
Or have anything with me.
But I hope one day, you'll come back and talk to me.
Sorry for always yelling at you.
And calling you all these bad words.
And sorry I hit you hard sometimes.
But I hate you sometimes and I just want to punch you in the face.
But I have self control unlike you.
Who just go crazy and hit me and shit.
I just pray it doesn't get worse as you grow older.
Lawrence, even though you piss me off so much.
And you never want to talk or touch me.
I still love you to death.

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